Ian Wong: Stories in Motion

I know, “You write stories of course you’d listen to this album.” I had no idea of the name of the album until I decided to blog about it. #writingtothemusic #amwriting

Lena Natalia: Snow on the Beach

It’s almost as if you can hear the waves blend into those beautiful notes and chords that follow.#amwriting #amediting #writingtothemusic

Tim Janis: Celtic Heart

Wonderful. This means, I can set aside an entire hour to concentrate on this WIP. #amwriting #amediting #writingtothemusic

Greg Maroney: Strength and Serenity

One of my newest new age additions to #writingtothemusic. Maroney’s last album was Secrets of the Sea. The last album I listened to was Star Light, Star Bright . According to his bio, Maroney is inspired by the nature around him when he writes. When you think of it, I’m inspired/motivated by his music to aid…

Fiona Joy Hawkins: Signature

I began listening to FIONA JOY HAWKINS on Pandora before Apple Music. Her “signature” sound is very inviting, tranquil, and smooth. It’s nice music when I’m re-reading the chapter and need to brainstorm that wonder “what next…” or “how will this play out…” scenarios. SIGNATURE was release back in March 2019 and needs to be added to your #writingtothemusic playlist.

Greg Maroney: Secrets of the Sea

With 12 peaceful and serene songs on this album, MARONEY captures the essences of the first world wonder. The sea and its secrets.

Lindsey Stirling: Underground

I’m so excited to have seen LINDSEY STIRLING in concert last year for my birthday.  UNDERGROUND is grungy and quirky at the same time. I’m just in love with every bit of it! It has to be added to your #writingtothemusic playlist.

Johannes Hirschmann: Fragments

Johannes Hirschmann released FRAGMENTS this past April, and while listening this wonderful album, it is truly calming, serene, and tranquil. It will transport you to another time providing an escape into its melodic tones. Mediative and relaxing to de stress yourself in thoughts away from your daily chores or responsibilities. WAITING FOR THE PRESENT is beautifully written as…

James Lazzeroni: Time

Lazzeroni graced us with his newest single TIME. It was released on May 1st this year, and it has been added to my playlist.  If you’re a #lazzeronilistener, then you should already fall in love with this piece. It’s delicate, soft and the chords compliments the overall message. Within the first few beats, I can…